Thursday, November 1st, 2012

cortandfatboy » Podcast show

Summary: Leia Weathington and Byron Beck go on a trip into the briny deep of Bobby's latest crippling fear, and hence, he is called a wuss-puss for being afraid of the underwater pillbugs he is sure will eat him up down there. What is Leia afraid of? Being judged harshly by those who don't share her opinions on Back to the Future, and being taken for granted by lazy, slovenly men. What is Byron afraid of? Nothing - because he took on a whole school full of miscreants and ruffians today when they tried to make him feel unsafe in his own neighborhood. Of course, there were also the pre-requisite discussions about sexual mores and our awkward teen years, but sometimes, when you plumb the deep, you bring up treasures. Scary, multi-legged treasures. [audio=]