These Go To Eleven: Songs Best Heard Extra-Loud

All Songs Considered show

Summary: There's no denying certain songs are best experienced when played as loud as possible. Since this Friday, 11/11/11, is Nigel Tufnel Day — the unofficial holiday honoring the fictional Spinal Tap guitarist, who cranked his amplifiers past 10 — this week's episode is all about the songs that instantly make you want to turn the volume up. Such songs can be simple and anthemic, like The Modern Lovers' garage-punk or Kelly Clarkson's roller-coaster pop. Or they can be densely layered, like LCD Soundsystem's studio wizardry or OutKast's all-out aural assaults. But in each case, the message is the same: Let the music, whatever it might be, overwhelm you. The Modern Lovers Album: The Modern Lovers Song: Roadrunner LCD Soundsystem Album: This Is Happening Song: All I Want OutKast Album: Stankonia [Clean] Song: B.O.B. Brian Eno Album: Taking Tiger Mountain (By Strategy) Song: Third Uncle Kelly Clarkson Album: All I Ever Wanted Song: I Do Not Hook Up The Smiths Album: Meat Is Murder Song: How Soon Is Now? Justice Album: Ed Rec Vol. 2 Song: Phantom Elastica Album: Elastica Song: Annie   Ramones Album: Road to Ruin Song: I Wanna Be Sedated The Exploding Hearts Album: Guitar Romantic Song: Modern Kicks Led Zeppelin Album: Physical Graffiti Song: Kashmir