Episode 083: An Unexceptional Episode

Bad Philosophy show

Summary: Bad Philosophy Episode 083 "An Unexceptional Episode" Recorded 01-31-2011 Bad Philosophers: Kevin Saunders, Stephen Torrence, Kiki Canon President Obama's State of the Union address? Meh. Practicing all your life one of two classical instruments because your mother says so? Snore. Ricky Gervais at the Golden Globes? F***ING AWESOME. Okay, so we couldn't exactly hit the mediocrity hat trick. BUT on a week when Internets were down in Egypt and Chicago, sickness spread across the nation, and broom closets became our only refuge, we still managed to pull together a whopper of an episode for you peeps. Enjoy it while sitting by a warm fire, sipping some hot cocoa as you await your inevitable frozen fate this fine winter... This Week's Post-show Song Pimpage: Jascha Heifetz plays Ibert "Le Petit Âne Blanc"