Episode 094: Justice on Trial

Bad Philosophy show

Summary: Bad Philosophy Episode 094 "Justice on Trial" Recorded 07-20-2011 To quote a tired but relevant saying, we like to believe that "our courts are the great levelers." They exist to ensure that criminals be punished, that the innocent are heard, that justice be done for one and all. But every once in a while someone goes through our courts and gets away with murder. Yep, I'm referring to Casey Anthony of course. Why did this happen? And what light can it shed on the nature of law? Into this raging flame war we ventured this week, brave souls Matt Legler and newcomer Carson Cummings boldly throwing in their 2 cents. Serial killers? We got 'em. Meth chefs? Them too. Tuxspeedos? Um... listen to find out! This Week's Post-show Song Pimpage: "Pink Houses" by John Mellencamp