Changing Minds During Election Season

Peace Talks Radio show

Summary: Whenever election season rolls around, conflict between political camps really heats up. Differences over whom to support can even put friends and family members at odds with each other. Undecided voters may authentically be at odds with themselves. And it's often those undecided voters who swing close elections. In the month's leading up to election day, each candidate's campaign workers are trying their best to bring those conflicted voters their way, maybe even change the minds of some voters, whose support for a candidate might be soft. On this edition of PEACE TALKS RADIO, some insight into that mind-changing process that targets the undecided or conflicted voter. Host Suzanne Kryder talks with two people who have written extensively on changing minds, and a political media specialist whose job it is to change some minds. Guests include political media strategist Rachel Gorlin, also Howard Gardner, Harvard professor and author of the book Changing Minds, and Dave Straker, author of the website, and the book, Changing Minds: In Detail.