Marketing Content with Business Blogs: Drawing In Your Niche

Books That Transform  show

Summary: So, you know you need a "home office" on the internet--a website--but, do you really need to "blog?" You have heard about it, but you are not quite sure that it is necessary....or perhaps, you have started blogging, but you are not attracting the number of quality leads that you'd hoped to reach. This show is for you!!! Join me as I interview online visibility expert, Denise Wakeman, who will clear up any confusion you may have about the benefits of blogging for business. Who is Denise Wakeman? Denise Wakeman is an Online Marketing Advisor and Founder of The Blog Squad. She works with authors, speakers, service professionals, and small business owners to optimize and leverage great business blogs as well as strategically use social media tools to gain visibility, build credibility and make more money selling their books, products and services. Denise writes on two marketing blogs, is a columnist for and is a contributing author on business blogging in Success Secrets of the Social Media Marketing Superstars. She frequently speaks at conferences about business blogging and how to gain expert status through social marketing. She has been quoted in the Wall Street Journal, The Huffington Post, Newsday, Canada's National Post, FastCompany Online, as well as many other online and offline publications.  Denise was recently featured in a documentary about successful women in business:  Women in Business 2.0. Join us to find out how blogging for business can draw your prospects closer to you and put in you touch with the great content that is inside of you, waiting to come out!