Readers' Review: "Year of Wonders: A Novel of the Plague" By Geraldine Brooks

WAMU-FM: WAMU: The Diane Rehm Show Podcast show

Summary: <p>Geraldine Brooks is no stranger to war zones. The journalist-turned-author once covered Bosnia and the Middle East for The Wall Street Journal. And Brooks' understanding of human suffering is evident in her first novel. In it, she spins a real-life horror story into a tale of fragile hope. "Year of Wonders" fictionalizes the true account of villagers in seventeenth-century Eyam, England. They voluntarily quarantined their plague-infested town to prevent the disease from spreading. Brooks' storyteller is a young maid who aids the village rector in his mission to contain the plague. Join Diane and her guests for our October Readers' Review of Geraldine Brooks' novel, "Year of Wonders."</p>