Willpower pt. 2

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Summary: “Self-control is a vital strength and a key to success in life.”  Willpower, pg. 13 Ever have a goal that seemed out of reach?  If you are like 99% of the people I know, you have tackled a change, resolution or new self-help project that became too difficult to see through to the end.  If those goals are still on your life to do list, Willpower can help you reach them, by teaching you the physical and mental elements necessary for developing the self-control you need to keep you on that path. While I am not convinced that willpower is the greatest human strength (I would argue our capacity for compassion would top any list), I do agree that strengths in willpower and self-control are key for anyone who wants to set and achieve a significant goal. The authors of this book, Roy Baumeister and John Tierney, have spent a lifetime analyzing willpower and its effects on human life. Although scientific, with numerous studies referenced throughout, the structure and approach are easy to follow, and the reader is left with a workable set of approaches for improving willpower and self-control. Golden Egg Influence Great Outcomes “Exercising self-control in one area seemed to improve all areas of life.”  Willpower, pg. 136 The authors provide extensive examples of how those who were able to develop skills to master self-control in one aspect of their lives (such as exercise), led to abilities in all other aspects (e.g., they smoked less, drank less, kept their homes cleaner, etc.).  Building a strong foundation of strength in self-control gives us the ability to exert willpower in many aspects of our lives.  This becomes particularly important if the goals you set require persistence and dedication, as it can be too easy to get off track. GEM #1 Boost Willpower and Self-control “To promise not to do a thing is the surest way in the world to make the body want to go and do that very thing.” Mark Twain, as quoted in Willpower, pg. 234 Our minds can play physical tricks on us, as felt in the cravings for the very thing we are trying to eliminate from our life.  The authors provide extensive evidence connecting our body’s sugar (glucose) levels to our ability to exert self-control.  If your glucose levels are low, so is your willpower; plus, you deplete glucose by exerting willpower as well.  “Even just expecting to exert self-control makes the body hungry for sweets.” (pg. 51) So how to overcome what might seem like a losing battle?  The authors recommend planning for a period that requires strong self-control, particularly in ensuring you manage the physical impact of willpower exertions. Some of their tips include: -          Small, frequent (healthy) meals to “feed the beast” with low glycemic foods (they mention vegetables, nuts, raw fruits (apples, blueberries, pears) cheese, fish, meats, olive oil and other “good fats” to regulate your blood sugar levels. -          Ensure adequate sleep – “by resting, we reduce the body’s demand for glucose, and we also improve its overall ability to make use of glucose in the bloodstream.” (p. 59) -          Try small physical self-control routines (like using proper posture, or always using “yes” instead of “yup”) which can strengthen your brain for bigger tasks, like dieting or quitting smoking -          Tackle only one change at a time.  You don’t have enough willpower to handle multiple changes. -          Defer the reward – tell yourself “not now, maybe later" is sometimes enough to trick your brain into avoiding it altogether. GEM #2 Routine and Good Habits “ . . . their willpower gradually got stronger, so it was less readily depleted. . . (a)s long as you were motivated to do some kind of exercise, your overall willpower could improve.” Willpower, pg. 137 The example above talks about exercise but it applies to any scenario where you need to exert self-control.  Doing so can help build willpower that can apply to all aspects of your life.