Busting Paradigms…and Walls – Acts 8:1–11:18

Bethany Community Church » Podcast Feed show

Summary: Sunday, October 28, 2012 | Pastor Richard Dahlstrom Discussion Questions by Pastor Nancy Eckardt Can you think of a situation when you were in over your head and completely uncomfortable?   How has that affected you long-term? Who has God used in your life to bring transformation to you? When have you been instrumental in God’s transforming work in someone else? When have you encountered Christ through an unlikely person or been an unlikely voice into someone else’s life?  What did it take to receive from them or to give to them? How does your life invite others to welcome you into their lives? In what ways do you seek to live more like Jesus day by day?  What would that look like? Who might God want you to speak to? In what ways have you experienced a dramatic encounter with Jesus?  What impact did this have on your life? When have you been intimidated by someone else, even though they’ve been transformed by Christ? When have you questioned God’s timing?  How did you process this? What does it mean for you to be faithful to God’s timing? In what ways may Jesus be inviting you to step in?  What keeps you from accepting his invitation? When has your belief system been challenged by seeing God work in new ways?  What convictions have you had to relinquish? “Jesus gently asks us to get better together with him”.  In what areas of your life is Jesus inviting you to get better? What distractions keep you from a deeper relationship with Jesus?  What would it take to put away those distractions? In what ways are you discouraged in your faithfulness to Christ?  How can you experience transformation in these areas?  Is there someone you can talk to?  Is there a practice (prayer, journaling, sharing your life with others) you can incorporate to open yourself up to his healing work? Sunday’s Bulletin Watch