Astrology, Intuition and EFT

. show

Summary: Join me this week with a very special guest who will take us on a journey of the astounding astrological cycles affecting us in this evolutionary time of great change and transformation. Sandy Rodeck is a professional astrologer, writer, key-note speaker, independent researcher and spiritual-visionary. She has more than 20 years of experience applying her integral techniques combining traditional-evolutionary-astrology with automatic writing and intuitive insight. We will be doing EFT combined with LIVE On-The-Air Astrology Readings to decipher and decode your astrological footprint to identify your karmic PTSD (what’s holding you back) and then do tapping to move you beyond your blocks! This show is for YOU if you’re ready to do your life differently and push through those limiting patterns and ingrained habits which have been holding you back for eons!