Astrological Help for the Holidays

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Summary: Back by popular demand is Sandy Rodeck is a professional astrologer, writer, key-note speaker, independent researcher and spiritual-visionary. Sandy was on the show on November 9th and the switchboard was overflowing! What family-related karmic PTSD are you carrying into the holiday season? If you were to shed your connection to family trauma and baggage would you enjoy your holidays much more? This week we will be doing EFT combined with LIVE On-The-Air Astrology Readings to decipher and decode your astrological footprint and identify your karmic PTSD (what’s holding you back) and then do tapping to move you beyond your blocks! This show is for YOU if you’re ready to let go and forgive to push through those limiting patterns and ingrained habits which have been holding you back for eons! Enjoy the season this year as you enter into it without the family baggage!