Settings Model for EFT on Love Tap with Alina

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Summary: Today on Love Tap Alina is joined by fellow Washington State EFT Practitioner Daimon Sweeney and his new Settings Model of EFT. The model opens new perspectives on using EFT for systematic ongoing personal development and creates new ways of working with issues. Expanding one’s life settings in specific areas can bring about major life changes in chosen directions or one can simply feel better, more connected and free every day, moment by moment. For more information on Daimon's work please visitDaimon's website Daimon has been using EFT for 11 years and has a practice in Bellingham, conducts 4 week EFT courses, and has an extensive background in personal growth tools such as Voice Dialogue and Non-Violent Communication For more information on the Washington Tappers Gathering in February please State EFT Tappers Gathering Page