Change Your Life in 2011

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Summary: What do you want to change about your life in 2011? This is the time of year that many of us review our 2010 goals, assess our progress, and either congratulate ourselves or berate ourselves for accordingly. Unfortunately, incomplete results are far too common. If you fall into the “incomplete” category, you will probably sit down to make a new goals list come year’s end, convincing yourself that things will be different in 2011. During this week’s Million Dollar Mindset Tapping I am going to introduce you to “next step” processes that will help you to change how you work on your goals. But all of the processes in the world won’t work if you doubt your ability to change. What beliefs or circumstances do you need to change to stay on top of your wishes and dreams for the New Year? Think about that and give me a call during the show. We will tap on the things that hold you back – the things that keep you in the “incomplete” category. Let’s move you into the “congratulations, I’m so proud of myself” category!