The Confidence Quiz

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Summary: People who struggle with a lack of confidence will build barriers that keep them from taking the emotional risks that could lead to greater happiness and success. They will reach as far as the border of their tolerance level, known as the comfort zone. They will manufacture many “excuses” to stay within those safe confines - yet, so much more is possible. Comfort zones come in all shapes and sizes, so for some, living within their comfort zone still allows for measured success, happiness and a steady income. But lack of confidence lurks outside the comfort zone, keeping them from their greatest potential. For others, the dream remains a dream and, tragically, may never see the light of day. Do you struggle with occasional – or an all-consuming – lack of confidence? I will give you some indicators to follow so that you can determine where you are on the confidence scales. In this episode of Million Dollar Mindset Tapping you will learn some simple steps and powerful EFT tapping methods to boost your confidence and break through the barriers of your - not so comfortable - comfort zone.