When Life Feels Out of Control

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Summary: Does your life feel like a crazy ride at the amusement park? Spinning, falling, going too fast but over too soon? Sometimes we make choices that feel good at the time, but we don't always take responsibility for what those choices mean and how they effect our circumstances. But how can we evaluate these choices when we are feeling emotional, overwhelmed, even fearful? During this show, your host Marla Tabaka, will introduce you to tapping techniques to do on gaining control AND letting go. That's right; to truly be in control of our lives, we must learn to allow and let go. Tap into the greater, intuitive resources within you to find your wisdom and use it to make your choices. Live life to the fullest and enjoy the outcome that you manifest! Please call into the show for discussion and tapping if you would like to change your life and take back your control!