Attract Your Greatest Desires Now

. show

Summary: Do you know what your greatest dream is? Can you make it come true? Sure you can. In this show your host, Marla Tabaka, is going to introduce you to some great methods and exercises to identify your passion AND bring your dreams to fruition. Your thought creates your reality – what are you thinking? Are you stuck in negative, worrisome thinking or can you step outside of the moment and create a new reality? Let’s do the work together. Let’s “unstuck” you with EFT Tapping and figure out why you are not drawing your greatest desires into your life. We will explore ways to find out what you really want, discover the means to get there, and recognize and savor success. Are you ready and willing to eliminate those obstacles? How can you make sure that the life you've created is supporting your desires and that you communicating clear and strong messages to your subconscious mind so it can give you exactly what you ask for? You can do it. We all have the magic within…let’s find it in you! Join me live in the chatroom or call into the show if you would like to tap with me to bring your dreams to life!