Using Matrix Reimprinting To Rewrite Past Memories

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Summary: Join Annabel this week as she talks to Sasha Allenby, speaker, and author of Matrix Reimprinting Using EFT. They’ll be discussing Sasha’s involvement with Matrix Reimprinting, including her contribution to the development of the protocols. She’ll also be outlining how Matrix Reimprinting differs from EFT; her involvement in the book and film Mastering the Matrix, and her impending move to this side of the pond later this year. For details about Sasha’s work and upcoming Matrix Reimprinting workshops, please visit About Sasha:Sasha Allenby is co-author of the new Hay House book, Matrix Reimprinting Using EFT. She co-authored the book with the creator of Matrix Reimprinting, Karl Dawson. Sasha contributed much to the development of Matrix Reimprinting in the process, helping to shape and refine the protocols, and adding her own. Sasha teaches Matrix Reimprinting all over the world through training courses, and through her popular online programme. Sasha is extremely passionate about Matrix Reimprinting due to the massive impact it has had on her own health and well-being, and to that of her clients. She overcame two “incurable” health conditions using these techniques, bipolar and chronic fatigue syndrome. She divides her time between training, writing, and public speaking. She is currently working on the book to accompany the follow up to The Living Matrix film, Mastering the Matrix, and she is also featured in the film. Find out more about how Annabel Fisher can help you with EFT