Procrastinate No More!

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Summary: Everyone has the same 24 hours in each day, yet some people achieve so much more than others do in that 24 hour period of time. Why is that? Time management is a big topic and procrastination is one of the little evils that stops us from achieving all that we wish to achieve each day – and therefore in our lifetime.  Today, your host, business and life coach Marla Tabaka, will help you to understand your procrastination habits and to identify the “why” behind your tendency to put things off.  Is procrastination as easily identified as we might believe? You might be surprised at how much you procrastinate and the reasons that you do. We will tap through many of those delay tactics and learn how to get from the “wanting” to the “doing” and the “having”. Get your life moving, take your business or job to the next level, create the change you desire – sooner rather than later!