119: Get Out of My Way; I'm Trying to Learn (2 of 2)

School Sucks: Higher Education For Self-Liberation show

Summary: Topic: As a follow-up to the last show, specifically my story about my student's Lego movie, I wanted to look a little closer at the constricting and numbing elements of institutionalized schooling. Also, how I once contributed to these wounds and how I try to correct them. Look Closer: How Does School Wound? Kirsten Olson Has Counted Some Ways http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/freedom-learn/201106/how-does-school-wound-kirsten-olson-has-counted-some-ways Porc Therapy http://www.porctherapy.com/ Donate to School Sucks: Chip In One Time http://edu-lu-tion.com/support Send Bitcoins http://edu-lu-tion.com/support/bitcoin Become A Monthly Subscriber http://schoolsucks.podomatic.com/ Other Ways to Help School Sucks: 1) FACEBOOK: School Sucks Podcast - Like, Comment, Share http://www.facebook.com/pages/School-Sucks-Podcast-The-END-of-Public-Education/144639747999 2) PODOMATIC -Like, Share, Embed, Comment 3) Follow School Sucks On TWITTER https://twitter.com/#!/SchoolSucksShow 4) YOU TUBE: Subscribe to the School Sucks Podcast You Tube Channel http://www.youtube.com/user/schoolsuckspodcast