120: Live Show #1, Hour 1 - The Constitution of No Authority

School Sucks: Higher Education For Self-Liberation show

Summary: This is hour one of Gardner Goldsmith's Liberty Conspiracy live show. I am tentatively planning to do this once per week. The show airs Sunday through Thursday at 10pm EST on the Liberty Radio Network. Topic: We start out coming a story about Senator Rand Paul being detained by the TSA, and then expand the discussion to include the history of government regulation of air travel, the efficacy and legitimacy of the US Constitution, and the concept of collectivism. Look Closer: Liberty Conspiracy Website http://libertyconspiracy.com/ Gardner On School Sucks Podcast 028 - Let's Make A Hero! (FDR) http://www.schoolsucksproject.com/podcasts/29 Gardner On School Sucks Podcast 027 - Let's Make A Hero! (Abraham Lincoln) http://www.schoolsucksproject.com/podcasts/28