152: Behaviorism In Disguise - Outcome-Based Education

School Sucks: Higher Education For Self-Liberation show

Summary: Co-Hosts: Alyson, Cory, Mandrik Topics: A seemingly comical entry-point into dark territory: Texas GOP Declares: "No More Teaching of 'Critical Thinking Skills' in Texas Public Schools" which quotes the party platform: "We oppose the teaching of Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) (values clarification), critical thinking skills and similar programs that are simply a relabeling of Outcome-Based Education (OBE) (mastery learning) which focus on behavior modification and have the purpose of challenging the student's fixed beliefs and undermining parental authority." So what is Outcome-Based Education? John Taylor Gatto: A SHORT ANGRY HISTORY OF AMERICAN FORCED SCHOOLING The BEHAVIORAL TEACHER EDUCATIONAL PROJECT outlines specific teaching reforms to be forced on the country, unwillingly of course, after 1967. "According to the BEHAVIORAL TEACHER EDUCATIONAL PROJECT, post modern schooling would focus, (I quote directly from the document), "on pleasure cultivation and interpersonal relationships and other attitudes and skills compatible with a non-work world". It makes sense of course, doesn't it? That irresponsible semi-illiterate people could not be trusted with much responsibility so in the new change agentry schooling, which is called for by this national teacher training document, the teacher is a therapist, translating the prescriptions of the social psychologists into practical action research in the classroom." Context: Changes in the 1960s: motivations and results Civil rights and opposition to Vietnam Government responds: -Poverty and inner-city desperation pacified with welfare -War on Drugs against mind expansion -centralization and standardization of education Had the true controlling potential of school had been dormant up to this point? This is an edited version of 7-19-12 show. School Sucks is live on the Liberty Radio Network and UStream Thursdays at 10pm EST. Look Closer: Educational Theories - Behaviorism Vs. Constructivism http://crescentok.com/staff/jaskew/isr/education/theories.htm Applying behaviorism to our schools http://joctl.blogspot.com/2009/03/applying-behaviorism-to-our-schools.html Teaching Students With Learning Disabilities: Constructivism Or Behaviorism? http://cie.asu.edu/volume8/number10/index.html Outcome-Based Education Explained, by Ron Sunseri http://www.sntp.net/education/obe_explained.htm A SHORT ANGRY HISTORY OF AMERICAN FORCED SCHOOLING http://4brevard.com/choice/Public_Education.htm The Underground History of American Education: A Schoolteacher's Intimate Investigation Into The Problem Of Modern Schooling http://johntaylorgatto.com/underground/