Episode 124 – Chris F Holm

The Functional Nerds Podcast show

Summary: In the 124th episode of the Functional Nerds Podcast, Patrick Hester and John Anealio discuss MileHiCon 44, conventions in general, what conventions offer to creatives, and then welcome author Chris F. Holm his books. About Chris F. Holm: Chris was born in Syracuse, New York, the grandson of a cop with a penchant for crime fiction. It was the year of punk rock and Star Wars, two influences that to this day hold more sway over him than perhaps his wife would like. But it was books that defined his childhood, from his grandfather’s Wambaugh and Sanders to the timeworn pulps picked up secondhand from the library.  His stories have appeared in a slew of publications, including Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine, Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine, Beat to a Pulp, and Thuglit. His novella The Hitter was selected to appear in The Best American Mystery Stories 2011, edited by Harlan Coben and Otto Penzler. He's been an Anthony Award nominee, a Derringer Award finalist, and a Spinetingler Award winner. His Collector novels, Dead Harvest and The Wrong Goodbye, recast the battle between heaven and hell as Golden Era crime pulp.  He lives on the coast of Maine with his lovely wife and a noisy, noisy cat. When not writing, he can be found on his porch, annoying the crap out of the neighbors with his guitar. Links: Chris F. Holm (website) Chris on Twitter John on Twitter Patrick on Twitter © 2012 Patrick Hester and John Anealio This podcast features original music by John Anealio.