# 385 Vincents defeat rivals Mikes in Toronto

GaelicSportsCast show

Summary: <p><a href="http://www.gaelicsportscast.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/toronto-gaa2-e13116961252331.jpg"><img class="alignleft size-full wp-image-3738" title="toronto-gaa2-e1311696125233[1]" src="http://www.gaelicsportscast.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/toronto-gaa2-e13116961252331.jpg" alt="" width="245" height="280"></a>In the penultimate round of the Toronto GAA Mens Senior Football League last Sunday at Centennial Park, St. Mikes edged rivals and champion’s St. Vincents to set up a league final in September.</p> <p>The win should give Vincents a shot of confidence ahead of the Toronto Football Championship which gets underway at Centennial Park this Sunday.</p> <p>In GaelicSportsCast first podcast today, Toronto GAA PRO Ross McElhone gives us a rundown on the latest news starting with a look-back to Week 6 of the league.</p> <p> </p> <p><em>Latest from the Indy Hurling Club coming up in the second podcast today. Detailed profile of the Kansas City Gaelic Athletic Club on Saturday. Also news of the first ever European international Gaelic football match between Brittany and Galacia (northwest corner of Spain) on Friday as well as the latest news from Vancouver, Canada.</em></p> <p> </p> <p> </p>