New DVDs and Blu-rays, 'Cloud Atlas' Results and Questioning the Cultural Relevance of Movies

RopeofSilicon Podcast show

Summary: Today's episode ended up being our longest episode since in almost five months as we managed to ramble on for 101 minutes with topics ranging from the questioning of the cultural relevance of movies today versus television, the box-office result of Cloud Atlas, new DVDs and Blu-rays, how we go about writing reviews and a lengthy discussion on what our daily schedules are like, how we got into this business and our thoughts on what someone should do if they wanted to give it a go. It doesn't end there as we answer several more of your questions and power through all our regular segments including Over/Unders, Buy or Sell, Watch This or Watch That and the brand new game that's sweeping the nation... Would You Rather? And on top of all that I give you a few nuggets from my interview with Rian Johnson (Looper), which will be going online later this week. We hope you enjoy.