What are next steps to recall Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder?

Independent Underground Radio LIVE (IURL) show

Summary: Reach Out Job Search News podcast is back live on THURSDAY, May 5th, 2011, for a promising exciting and impactful program. Our guest at 6:20 PM EST will be Dennis Pank II, organizer of the Michigan Citizens United campaign to recall Michigan Governor Rick Snyder (R). Since sworn into office on January 1st, 2011, Snyder has made a series of questionable moves and policy decisions, impacting Michigan's Working Citizens. From the highly questionable Emegency Financial Manager (EFM) law, which threatens to appoint Gov. Snyder appointed overseer to run a city, township or village instead of the locality elected officals, taxing seniors pensions, eliminating tax exemptions for most Michiganders except for C & S Corporation businesses and cutting public school funding to only $120.00 per pupil; Snyder policies will impact each middle & lower class resident of the state. Our Thursday show will discuss the next steps of the campaign to recall the Governor. Listeners are encouraged to call into our program with comments -and/or questions at 347-934-0185.