Gov. Rick Perry, does a blog post expose the truth on him?

Independent Underground Radio LIVE (IURL) show

Summary: Texas Gov. Rick Perry (R) has entered the Presidential race for the 2012 election, hoping to gain the seat from current President Barack Obama. Outside of Texas, little is known to the American populist about Gov. Perry. That is unless a blog post which includes e-mails written by Robert Murrow of Austin, TX, has some truth behind it. Why this blog post might be important? Well, back in June 2011, a former Democratic Congressman named Anthony Weiner was forced to resign from his seat after a series of questions were raised about inappropriate behavior & former President Bill Clinton (D) nearly was impeached from office after committing Perjury on an act of questionable behavior. On our Thursday, August 25th podcast at ROJS Radio will discuss this groundbreaking story on Gov. Rick Perry that if true, could destroy his chances of being President of the U.S. in 2012. Additionally, we will talk about the latest information in Michigan and National Politics. Host Monica R-W is an owner/writer for the popular ROJS News website, an experienced grassroots and elected local political leader. As lifelong Michigander, both Monica RW brings her research, knowledge and Independent options to the issues of the day. Call into our weekly LIVE podcast with your opinions at 347-934-0185, join us on Twitter @rojsnews.