What's scheduled for October's #OccupyMichigan campaign

Independent Underground Radio LIVE (IURL) show

Summary: If you're middle, working or lower class Michigander, our Sunday, October 2nd show is must listen to radio!   We are pleased to welcome as ROJSRadio Special Guest, Wednesday Thompson, one of the organizers with the grassroots #Occupy Michigan campaign.    During the month of October similar to New York City #Occupy Wall Street grassroots movement, Michiganders are banding to protest in various cities, protesting divisions between what is called 99 percenters, against the top 1%.    A series of laws enacted by the Republican super-majority in Michigan's House and Senate, then signed into law by Governor Rick Snyder have deeply divided political tensions, in what can best be described as a form of "class-warfare".   Ms. Thompson will answer questions on upcoming #Occupy Michigan rallies, provide information on which cities actions will take place and more.   As the best political show on Blog Talk Radio, Reach Out Job Search podcastprovides groundbreaking discussions on Michigan & National Politics, careers, breaking news, current events and more.   Host Monica R-W is an owner/writer for the popular ROJS News website, an experienced grassroots and elected local political leader.  As a lifelong Michigander, both Monica RW brings her research, knowledge and Independent options to the issues of the day.    Call into our weekly LIVE podcast with your opinions at 347-934-0185 or join us on Twitter @micellstore.