Guest-Wis. Activist Arthur Kohl-Riggs, MI P.A. #4

Independent Underground Radio LIVE (IURL) show

Summary: Wisconsin Activist Arthur Kohl-Riggs is a record visitor to the Madison Capital builiding, blogger of the website Shit Scott Walker Is Doing To My State and videographer of all things Gov. Scott Walker and Wisconsin corruption related. His website "The S**T Scott Walker is Doing to My State" was formed to literally focus on thegovernor of Wisconsin but for the context site is used for is refers to anyone working towards the same twisted agenda. ROJS Radio is a groundbreaking podcast based out of Ann Arbor, Michigan covering Michigan and National Politics, job search, breaking news, unemployment and more. Tune into our LIVE podcast weekend on Saturday and Sunday’s from 11:00 AM-1:00PM with your robust opinions at 347-934-0185, join us on Twitter @rojsnews.