Dr. Orlan Smith, Ph.D: “10 Reasons Why Relationships Fail”

Out the Box show

Summary: “10 Reasons Why Relationships Fail” is a "No Nonsense," straight forward and extremely accurate and un-relentlessly honest depiction and portrayal of obstacles that prevent the maintenance of a Lasting Relationship. This Self Help Manual specifically cites 10 reasons that are the Basis for an unsuccessful Long Term union. The Truth hurts and most Individuals are not accepting of their own Shortcomings and or lack of ability. Nor, are they willing to concede that some things won't change. This book/manual highlights "Warning Signs" in 10 different domains! Many times, one’s own inner ego and "Illusions of Grandeur", help to ultimately bring about their own demise! "10 Reasons Why Relationships Fail" identifies both subtle and overt signs that will "Splinter and Break" a relationship, over time. Order Book  Content provided by the author, Orlan Smith, for promotional purposes.