Episode 11: The IGDA

Games Industry Mentor show

Summary: Sorry for the delayed release on this one - but better late then never I guess. This episode I sit down and chat with Rodney Gibbs and Amy Goldenburg from the IGDA to talk about what the organization has to offer for those breaking in. We discuss a lot of interesting topics including best ways to network, how to start up your own IGDA group at school, and plenty more. If you have ever wondered what the IGDA is all about - this is a must listen. <a href="http://media.blubrry.com/gamesindustrymentor/gim.acanaday.com/episodes/gamesindustrymentor_011.mp3">Play Episode</a> If you have been enjoying these episodes and would like to support Games Industry Mentor, swing by the <a href="http://gim.acanaday.com/?page_id=19">donation page!</a> All funds go directly to site hosting and podcast equipment. Thanks! ******************** The opinions shared during Games Industry Mentor are simply the views of individuals who work within the games industry, and in no way represent opinions of the studio or company that may employ those individuals. Games Industry Mentor or the individuals who share their opinions, do not guarantee successful placement within the video games industry through following the advice heard on the program.