Episode 22: Layoffs

Games Industry Mentor show

Summary: Hey everyone! I'm back after a bit of a hiatus to discus somewhat of a sensitive topic: Layoffs. As some of you may know, I was recently affected by a layoff myself back in June. Initially I wanted to do an episode while in the thick of it, but that never really happened. Shortly after landing at Red 5 Studios a coworker who listens to the podcast, (and an audio professional!) helped me get it going again! So here it is, the episode about Layoffs. Guests this episode are all coworkers of mine at Red 5: World Artist, Zach Turner; Game Designer, Scott Rudi; and Audio Designer, Daniel Beck. <a href="http://media.blubrry.com/gamesindustrymentor/gim.acanaday.com/episodes/gamesindustrymentor_022.mp3">Play Episode</a> The opinions shared during Games Industry Mentor are simply the views of individuals who work within the games industry, and in no way represent opinions of the studio or company that may employ those individuals. Games Industry Mentor or the individuals who share their opinions, do not guarantee successful placement within the video games industry through following the advice heard on the program.