Running for President of Ohio

My History Can Beat Up Your Politics show

Summary: What a shock, Ohio is the key to the 2012 election. Is it 1844 again? Or 1912? It seems that way, as Romney and Obama make frequent visits there and all attention is on Ohio. This is not new at all, as competition between parties for Ohio's votes goes all the way back to 1912, where Wilson knocked it out of the Safe GOP coalition and the state became the swinger we know and love. Some of this goes way back: In early American history, it had a bit of a Swing State history too, as a Sometimes Clay, Sometimes Jackson state. What states though, are the LEAST like Ohio, that is to say the states that often do NOT pick the winner. We look at the top 'Non-Ohio' states and their errant votes. And in addition to a few other topics, why do we have an Electoral College at all? And what would it take to get rid of it.