D P BuZZ - January 21, 2010

Digital Production BuZZ (AAC) show

Summary: Join host Larry Jordan, and co-host Michael Horton, as they talk with: <p><a href="http://www.barrygoch.com" target="_blank">Barry Goch</a>, online editing and finishing artist, joins us to discuss the impact of Smoke, a very popular and VERY high-end finishing tool, releasing a new version that runs on a Mac. If you need the finest tools for making your projects look great, Barry has the hands-on experience to tell you if Smoke is for you.</p><p><a href="http://www.digitalmedialaw.blogspot.com/" target="_blank">Jonathan Handel</a>, our regular legal whiz, draws lessons from the mind-bending PR disaster at NBC late-night and employment contract law. If you hire talent, you need to hear what Jonathan has to say.</p><p> Michael Buday is an editor with an idea. A few years ago, he started developing a collaborative way to review and approve movies. This week, it was announced - <a href="http://www.fuzemovie.com" target="_blank">Fuze Movie</a>. He joins us tonight to talk about what it means and why you should care. </p><p><a href="http://www.lesismoreproductions.com" target="_blank">Les Perkins</a>, Les Is More Productions, has decades of experience editing for Disney. Last time, he talked about restoring "Mary Poppins." This time, he swings in to give us the inside scoop on working with "Pete's Dragon."</p><p> You can't find people or interviews like this anywhere else! It's another fascinating show - all the information you need now to know what's coming next!</p>