D P BuZZ - September 9, 2010

Digital Production BuZZ (AAC) show

Summary: <p>Join host Larry Jordan as he talks with:</p> <p>Dave Malkoff, reporter for KTLA-TV in Los Angeles, spent a year and a half in Iraq training reporters. During that time, using portable gear, Final Cut Pro, Skype, and satellite feeds, he shot and edited a series of broadcast reports from the field. He just finished creating a one-hour documentary on his work entitled “<a href="http://blogs.ktla.com/dave/" target="_blank">Assignment Iraq</a>.” We talk with him this week on what he used and how he did it. </p> <p>Ned Soltz, contributing editor for DV Magazine, joins us to talk about his upcoming presentation at Digital Video Expo 2010 on the latest mobile apps we can use to simplify production. In Ned’s view, the iPad is as powerful a tool for creators as it is for consumers. We talk with him to find out why.</p> <p>Bruce Pettyjohn, president of <a href="http://www.octomize.com/" target="_blank">Octomize</a>, creates companies. In this case, his latest is an on-line, always-on, appointment scheduler. Does this mean your calendar is dead? And does this have a role in helping keep production under control? We talk with Bruce to find out how we can benefit from this.</p> <p>Norman Hollyn, professor at the USC Film School, has a new hobby! He’s the executive producer and co-host of “<a href="http://www.2reelguys.com/" target="_blank">2 Reel Guys</a>,” a video podcast devoted to helping filmmakers improve their visual story-telling skills. We talk with Norman this week about his goal for the show, how he got it produced, and what the rest of us can learn from it.</p> <p>You can't find people or interviews like this anywhere else! It's another fascinating show - all the information you need now to know what's coming next! </p>