Digital Video Expo - Day 1 - September 29, 2010

Digital Production BuZZ (AAC) show

Summary: <p> This year, for the third year in a row, the Digital Production Buzz is the Official Podcast of Digital Video Expo. This year, hosted by Larry Jordan, we are originating live from the trade show floor, with a series of special shows covering all the breaking news and new products showcased at this year's event. </p><p> The Expo Begins </p><p> <a href="">Digital Video Expo 2010</a> is a buzz with talk of 3D video, HDSLR cameras and workflow, and lots of interesting products from companies you may not have heard from. Here's the first of our special reports. </p><p> Join host Larry Jordan, live from our booth on the show floor, as he talks with: </p><p> David Williams, editor of DV Magazine, about what's hot at the DV Expo conferences this year. </p><p> Ned Soltz, contributing editor for DV Magazine, about new technology on the show floor, and the benefits of attending an industry-focused event like this. </p><p> Tim Smith, manager of the professional engineering and solutions team for Canon, about two new Canon cameras, plus an extended discussion of why sensor size makes a difference in your images when using HDSLR cameras. If you are planning on buying or using a DSLR camera, you need to listen to what Tim is saying. </p><p> Bruce Dorn, lead designer, IDC, is the keynote speaker for this year's Digital Video Expo. He and Larry discuss the challenges of working with HDSLR cameras, along with a preview of his upcoming keynote speech. </p><p> Lon Parker, lead video inspector for iStockPhoto, about the challenges of making sure royalty-free video is safe to buy... and sell. He shares with us the legal hoops that suppliers need to consider, along with tips producers need to keep in mind if they want to sell their images to a wider market. </p><p> Drew Henderson, CEO of Alzo Video, manufactures and sells lighting gear for filmmakers on a budget. We talk about the new trend toward LED lighting and what to look for when picking gear. </p><p> Kate Logan, marketing associate, and Alan Natale, program director of the new media editing program at Video Symphony, stop by to showcase the new training courses and podcast created by Video Symphony. </p><p> There are some great interviews here, filled with ideas and technology-in-depth that you can't get anywhere else. Be sure to listen to all our DV Expo shows. </p><p> These Digital Video Expo special reports are sponsored by <a href="">Data Robotics</a>, makers of Drobo, and we are grateful! </p>