Digital Video Expo - Day 2 - September 30, 2010

Digital Production BuZZ (AAC) show

Summary: <p><i>The Expo Continues</i></p> <p><a href="" target="_blank">Digital Video Expo 2010</a> is abuzz with new products and gear. Here's the second of our special reports live from DV Expo!</p> <p>Join host <b>Larry Jordan</b>, live from our booth on the show floor, as he talks with:</p> <blockquote> <ul> <li> <b>Michael Horton</b>, Co-Host of the Digital Production BuZZ and Founder of LAFCPUG, (Los Angeles Final Cut Pro User Group) stops by to talk to with host, Larry Jordan, about the recent Supermeet and this year's DV Expo experience.</li> <li> <b>Jan Crittenden Livingston</b> is Panasonic Broadcast’s Product Line Business Manager for the company’s growing line of 3D and camcorders. She talks about two of the most highly anticipated camera introductions of recent years, the AG-3DA1 3D HD camcorder and the AG-AF100, the first professional micro 4/3-inch video camcorder optimized for professional high-definition video recording. She talks tech and gives us a rare inside glimpse at the company's camera development process.</li> <li> <b>Ned Soltz</b>, Contributing Editor for <i>DV Magazine</i> and <i>Videography Magazine</i>, had the opportunity to take a test-drive with Panasonic's new AG-AF100. </li> <li> <b>Bruce Master</b> is the senior program manager, tape storage systems for IBM. IBM, HP and Quantum first developed the specification for the LTO (Linear Tape Open) format for storage and archiving about ten years ago. The new LTO-5 technology includes the brand-new ability to drag and drop files, as well as have the contents of an LTO tape look just like a hard disk. With the ability to safely store media for decades!</li> <li> <b>Steven Tiffen</b>, the President and CEO of Tiffen talks about their award-winning camera filters and brief us about new products from Tiffen, Lowell Lights, Steadicam Stabilizers and more.</li> <li> <b>Paul Holtz</b>, president and CEO of Class on Demand, produces self-paced training materials for the creative and media industries. His company has just introduced a new online-based training system.</li> <li> <b>Philip Hodgetts</b>, long known for his cutting-edge technical expertise, addresses an enthusiastic crowd at DV Expo with a talk entitled, "The New Now - Surviving the Changing Business of Production." In other words, Philip has lots of ideas on how to get work.</li> <li> <b>Doug Pircher</b>, is the CEO of International Supplies which distributes a wide array of products to the entertainment industry. Did you know that deigital cameras stop working when the temperature gets below freezing. so, Doug briefs us about the Camera Duck, which helps videographers protect their cameras from the elements and control temperature that affect performance.</li> <li> <b>Dave Williams</b>, editor of <i>DV Magazine</i> and Conference Chair for the DV Expo 2010 with a list of his favorite new products from this year's DV Expo.</li> </ul> </blockquote> <p>These Digital Video Expo special reports are <b>sponsored by <a href="" target="_blank">Data Robotics</a></b>, makers of Drobo, and we are grateful!</p>