D P BuZZ - November 04, 2010

Digital Production BuZZ (AAC) show

Summary: <p>The <strong>Buzz Shout-out! </strong>premieres this week! <a href="http://www.buzzshoutout.com" target="_blank">Visit here</a> for all the details -- a great way to help jobs find you!</p> <p>This week’s episode of the world’s only interactive talk radio program covering Digital Production, Post-Production and Distribution is filled with great information and entertainment designed for the independent filmmaker or industry professional.</p> <p>Join host <strong>Larry Jordan</strong>, and co-host <strong>Michael Horton</strong>, as they talk with:</p> <p><strong>Patrick Inhofer</strong> <em>Colorist, Finisher-in-Chief, Fini</em><br> <img src="http://www.digitalproductionbuzz.com/showgfx/inhofer_patrick.jpg" alt="" hspace="4" align="right"> Color Grading made easy... <strong>Patrick Inhofer</strong>, colorist for Fini, has developed an online interactive training tool that lets us watch as he colors our media and then allows us to download the files so we can work with it on our own. He calls it the “<a href="http://www.taoofcolor.com" target="_blank">The Tao of Color</a>”. This week, we learn what it is.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Kristin Petrovich Kennedy</strong> <em>President, Createasphere</em><br> <img src="http://www.digitalproductionbuzz.com/showgfx/kennedy_kristen.jpg" alt="" hspace="4" align="right"> <a href="http://www.createasphere.com" target="_blank">Createasphere</a> (formerly the HD Expo) was founded by <strong>Kristen Petrovich Kennedy</strong> in 2001 and remains a yearly gathering place for over 15,000 content creators. This year, one of the events that she and her hard-working crew created is the Post Production Master Class. Kristen joins us on The BuZZ to answer our questions about the show and where it indicates the industry is headed.</p> <p><strong>Todd Prives</strong> <em>Product Guru, GenArts</em><br> <img src="http://www.digitalproductionbuzz.com/showgfx/prives_todd.jpg" alt="" hspace="4" align="right"> We love talking about plug-ins so when GenArts told us they were coming out with <a href="http://www.genarts.com/product/monsters-gt" target="_blank">MonstersGT</a>, our ears perked up. We invited <strong>Todd Prives</strong>, Product Guru for GenArts, to give us the details in this new release.</p> <p><strong>Bruce Nazarian</strong> <em>The Digital Guy</em><br> <img src="http://www.digitalproductionbuzz.com/showgfx/Nazarian-Bruce.jpg" alt="" hspace="4" align="right"> <strong>Bruce Nazarian</strong>, <a href="http://www.thedigitalguy.com" target="_blank">The Digital Guy</a>, returns wearing his musician hat -- this time to talk about the process of getting your music into the iTunes store. Everyone knows that you can make money with music downloads -- but how and where and what do we need to do? Bruce knows all the answers.</p> <p>Announcing the <strong><a href="http://www.buzzshoutout.com" target="_blank">BuZZ Shout-out!</a></strong>! We announced this recently and already more than 22,000 people have checked out the site. This week, our first Shout-Outs! premiere to help jobs find you! Best of all, the Shout-out! is FREE, thanks to our great sponsors: <a href="http://www.smartsound.com" target="_blank">Smartsound</a>, <a href="http://www.maxon.net" target="_blank">Maxon</a>, and <a href="http://www.drobo.com" target="_blank">Drobo</a>!</p>