Episode 71: 25 October 2012

Galactic Suburbia show

Summary: In which Tansy Alex talk sexism, steampunk, Samuel Delaney and tiny baby Avengers fighting tiny baby X-Men. Also, feedback from listeners! News Pornokitch on the Mammoth Best New Horror introduction Twelfth Planet Press announces Best YA SF anthology - Alisa Tehani reading for this in 2013 and we hope it doesn't break them. The Fantasy Pin-Up Calendar Thing The Calendar itself Tansy's post - when fantasy art embarrasses us all Skepchick asks us to Please Stop Making Calendars NK Jemisin on her involvement in the project Sexism in the Skeptic Community - what happened after she spoke out What Culture Have we Consumed? Alex: Edge of Infinity, ed. Jonathan Strahan; Babel-17, Samuel Delaney; The Contrary Gardener by Christopher Rowe in Eclipse Online Tansy: Wilful Impropriety, Ekaterina Sedia (ed); Hawkeye #1-3, Matt Fraction, David Aja; "A-Babies Vs. X-Babies" one-shot written by Skottie Young with art by Guruhiru FEEDBACK Suzy McKee Charnas story at SnackReads Please send feedback to us at galacticsuburbia@gmail.com, follow us on Twitter at @galacticsuburbs, check out Galactic Suburbia Podcast on Facebook and don't forget to leave a review on iTunes if you love us!