Paul Kimball: The Other Side Of Truth (ISBN 0991697502)

Radio Misterioso show

Summary: Paul Kimball's first book was released on October 4th. In the interest of not repeating myself, please see the description of our last interview from July 14th for details about the book. The effect of exposure to actual paranormal-type events (during production of his TV show Ghost Cases) and the combined input of Stuart Miller, Nick Redfern, myself, and the groundbreaking theories of our late friend Mac Tonnies (among other factors) have influenced Paul's thinking in the few years we've known each other and changed him from a vaguely interested observer to someone who thinks deeply and passionately about the subject. Combined with his background in history, law, and philosophy, The Other Side Of Truth is a must-read for listeners of this show, and a great introduction to advanced concepts of the paranormal and how it relates to other aspects of the human experience. This interview delves into the deeper aspects of Paul's background and experiences. We talked about the writings of 19th century Canadian Christian mystic Henry Alline, a scary night with a shadow person in the Czech Republic, a unique and frightening UFO case from Nova Scotia, and the probable improbability of science to provide answers to the paranormal, among many, many other subjects. Photo: Paul and I at the mysterious Racetrack Playa in 2008.