Raid Warning Episode 37: Ghostcrawler

Raid Warning: A World of Warcraft Podcast show

Summary: We're joined by a very special guest this week, everyone's favorite crabby blue poster: Ghostcrawler! This week we discuss the latest in World of Warcraft movie updates, Cataclysm news, what the devs are up to, and consume plenty of beer in the process. Audio problems aside, this is a show you wont want to miss. Podcast: iTunes | Play in new window | Download | Torrent | Mevio (Torrent Available 4/5) Intro Music: "Waters of Nazereth" Justice off the album Cross Beer: "Interurban IPA" by Fremont Brewing Company website: ABV: 6.5% BA: B+ News: ICC Buff Bumped To 10% We have increased the potency of the Strength of Wrynn and Hellscream’s Warsong buffs in Icecrown Citadel by an additional 5%. These buffs now increase total health, healing done and damage dealt by 10%. In addition, the number of attempts allotted for all final bosses on Heroic difficulty has been increased to 40. Cataclysm Testing to Start In April This is probably why Blizzard decided to spoil the Cataclysm Prologue in 3.9 a few weeks ago and waaaay before it's deployed on live servers. They're not huge fans of spoilers and the only reason to do it is to make sure people know what's going on when they eventually play on Beta servers No matter what happens, you will NOT get any beta invitation before it's officially announced. Anything you receive is a huge scam to steal your account. Lich King 25 Heroic World First Kill by Paragon Fun with the Schematic Firework Launcher Creation of bloodelves on proudmoore server capped via (a stitches studio) Peter Serafinowicz to Do Voice Acting for Thrall via Rotten Tomatoes Did voice overs for Darth Maul Blue Post: Remaking of Zul'Aman "We dont want to release too much information, but a certain orc leader may find a new place to call home. I'll start making the one-armed troll jokes later." Bruce Campbell Role in World of Warcraft Confirmed, Maybe. via escapist magazine "Honestly, I'm not really sure about my involvement in the Warcraft game movie or what I can tell you at this time. Sam has threatened to cast me as Topper McNabb if I talk to much. I've seen pictures of this guy, and I think it's in everyones best interest that I keep my mouth shut. I mean, could you imagine seeing these legs in capri pants?" ..when asked about any others casted for the film "Well, I hear Tina Fey plays at least 6 parts. There's lots of hair involved. Lots. Supposedly she's already preparing for the role by spending time with Eddy Murphy. Actually... I'm lying, I really like his Disney movies. But really, I'm really pulling for that fat kid from Superbad. I think gamers would find it funny to here him say vagina." Blizzard Introduces New Story Forum SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS Live 1 Year Anniversary Show! Rant Line: 707-602-RANT 7268 BEER AND BANDWIDTH FUND VISIT US DAILY: Raid Warning Facebook Page CHECK US OUT EACH WEEK: iTunes Zune Marketplace ( ( COMMENTS / SUGGESTIONS / NUDES: