Wednesday, October 24th, 2012

cortandfatboy » Podcast show

Summary: Courtenay Hameister brought cookies to knife fight. Well, not so much a knife fight as a sharp debate. A debate about literacy in America, and whether there's something wrong with grownups shoving kids out of the way to get to the Young Adult novels, or whether there's something so wrong with grownup novelists that readers have to elbow kids out of the Young Adult section to get a good story to read. Also discussed: Grease is bad for you, so stop taking your kids to see it. The silliness of pursuing a superficial perfection at all costs, when some of the best things this world has ever seen came from people no one would ever consider conventionally "beautiful." What's beautiful? A nice guy from the special olympics writing a really nice letter that oh-so-nicely defangs one of the dumbest trolls in the modern media. It's a hopeful show, really. That's what adding cookies to this podcast does. [audio=]