Fish Schtick Episode – 86 – Quick Update

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Summary: Subscribe to Fish Schtick on iTunes ( Subscribe to RSS ( Download MP3 version HERE ( ( It’s Friday, November 11, 2011 Thanks today to BossTin and Fish Itch; The Fish Schtick is presented by Fishhound. Fishhound is the world’s largest provider of real-time fishing reports delivered directly to you from licensed guides & boat captains - fresh off the water. With coverage on thousands of waters, you’ll know where to go, when to go and what to throw. Interactive maps, GPS coordinates, mobile apps and more... Sign up for free today at ( ( Fishhound Fishing Report Clear Lake, Texas on the Gulf Coast near reports that fishing is good to excellent for Sea Trout  and sand Trout with some spottail bass mixed in. Most of the fish are being caught under the birds. Conditions should remain consistently good to excellent until after Thanksgiving. AC Charters reports that the speckled trout are going like crazy with cooling waters of Florida up around St. Petersburg, and 60 fish a day on the fly rod is possible right now. Up the coast and inland, it’s giant brown trout and steelhead on Great Lakes Tributaries. Drifting and swinging flies is working near Buffalo, NY if you ask Get The Net Fishing Charters. For a free report on waters near you, ( Brian / Moldy Chum News Brick of the Month Fly-O-Mat Pipeline Delay ( Teeg / Recycled Fish News I was on the front page of the Outdoor Blogger Network this week! ( Holiday Tackle Box Auctions are kicking off: ( The Recycled Fish “On Ice” Tour preview is at the Dakota Angler Ice Institute next weekend: ( Around the world of fishing in 120 Seconds Brought to you by BossTin ( - makers of environmentally friendly fishing weights for the fly and conventional tackle angler. ( Good News for waters in Nebraska – the Keystone XL pipeline project is on hold until they can figure out how to run it further from our main aquifer … and, probably, until after the next election cycle. Good News for waters in Colorado - Colorado Parks and Wildlife's boat inspectors, working with other state-certified partners, checked more than 420,000 boats for aquatic nuisance species in 2011. Quagga or zebra mussels were found on eight boats, which were decontaminated by the inspectors prior to entering Colorado waters. In Louisiana, a settlement with Temple Inland following an August fish kill that killed over 160,000 fish and 400,000 freshwater mussels. The Pearl River fish kill from illegal paper mill discharge was valued at a $816,000 loss. Louisiana will get about half that amount and has already begun restocking efforts. North Carolina - Don't miss your chance to join Ryan and Krissie Newman at the Ryan Newman Foundation 6th Annual Charity Fishing Tournament. Kevin Van Dam, Mark Zona, and other pro anglers will be there.