Fish Schtick Episode 89 – Holiday Gift Guide

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Summary: Subscribe to Fish Schtick on iTunes ( Subscribe to RSS ( Download MP3 version HERE ( ( It’s Friday, December 9, 2011 Thanks today to BossTin and Fish Itch; The Fish Schtick is presented by Fishhound. Fishhound is the world’s largest provider of real-time fishing reports delivered directly to you from licensed guides & boat captains - fresh off the water. Beginning this week, they’re offering Fishhound Club Membership. In the Fishhound Club, you get everything you normally would, plus gear to test and keep – guaranteed – every quarter. With coverage on thousands of waters, you’ll know where to go, when to go and what to throw. Get a free membership, a premium membership, or now  - the new Club Membership at ( ( Fishhound Fishing Report Off the California Coast, Channel Island Sportfishing reports great fishing out of Ventura and Oxnard. Tremendous catches of Rockfish, and they’re doing well on Lingcod, too. Expect a few Calico Bass and Sheepshead mixed in. Clear across the country in New York, changing flows has helped the fishing on the Salmon River. Steelhead have been eating eggs and beads in Ontario-roe, Honey, and Candy Corn. Chasin’ Tail Adventures gives it four stars out of five. Between the two in Utah, reports are solid for the Green River. Anglers are doing well with large terrestrial imitations (like grasshoppers and black ants) and using a scud, shrimp or imitation-salmon-egg trailer. Often the fish are attracted to the larger presentation and then hit the smaller one. For a free report on waters near you, ( Guest Intro This week, it’s our annual Fish Schtick Holiday Gift Guide. We see it all – everything that’s cool in the world of fishing – and we pair it down to the stuff we’d actually like to give or receive this Christmas. Brian / Moldy Chum News What’s new with you? What’s new on Moldy Chum? Teeg / Recycled Fish News Had our best show ever at the St. Paul Ice Fishing & Winter Sport Expo Getting ready for the Recycled Fish Hardwater Opens: ( Winding down on the Holiday Tackle Box Auctions – a few left: ( Short Rods shirts are a big hit – now available in blue: ( Around the world of fishing in 120 Seconds Good news for the Gulf. Secretary of Agriculture, Tom Vilsack, announced this week that the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) is launching a new Gulf of Mexico initiative, which will focus $50 million over three years in conservation assistance to farmers and ranchers in priority areas along seven major rivers that drain to the gulf. We like it. Maryland DNR is offering Clean Marina Seminars for marinas and boatyards. If you run one or work at one, get to one of these events! They’re free. In Washington, DC – environmental groups are once again calling for the ban of lead sinkers and fishing weights. Nothing new there. In Toronto – a city-wide ban on the sale of shark fins, somewhere Conway Bowman is smiling. Florida hosts the first PAA Tour event of the year in January – yep, January. The professional fishing season gets underway BEFORE the BASSMASTER Classic in … January on Lake Toho. Iowa – confirmation that Silver Carp have entered the Iowa Great Lakes is unfortunate news.