Featured Guest: Jessica Camerato

Celtics Stuff Live show

Summary: Celtics Stuff Live was pleased to welcome back WEEI.com's Jessica Camerato back to the show and our pal Jess came loaded with information following a conversation she had with Lester Hudson last night. The Celtics' release of Hudson last week came as a bit of a shock, but while Hudson relayed to Jess that he was "sad" to go, it seems the entire stay in Boston was a positive one. Jess also talked with Jon and Justin about her recent article comemorating the injury to Tony Allen's knee some three years ago today. While a number of hills and valleys have littered that three year period, Tony has performed well of late. The guys wrapped up discussing Jack Jemsek's latest for CSL detailing the tremendous season Ray Allen is having without many of us realizing it. Plenty more coming where Jack left off this weekend as Mark Rayburn and Scott Souza posted great work this week.