Arabic Quote #012: Happy New Year

As the Arabs Say...كـَما قالـَت العَرَب show

Summary: About On the annual occasion of the new year, be it Christian Gregorian (السَّنَة الميلادِيَّة) or Islamic (السَّنَة الهجْرِيَّة), this is how Arabs greet each other at New Year’s Day. View Quote كُلُّ عَامٍ وَأَنْتَ/أَنْتُم بِخَيْر كلُّ سَنَةٍ وَأَنْتَ/أَنْتُم طَيِّب/ون مَعَ أجْمَلِ الأماني وَأطْيَبِ التَّهاني بمُناسَبَة [...]