It's A Dork Quake!! Dorktown #125

Dorktown Podcast show

Summary: This may be the first earthquake captured live on a podcast, yes? Who knew recording at Midnight could yield such things. Yes, a earthquake happens during this podcast...not quite as dramatic as it sounds...but still, it happened. Also there's the normal drinking of craft beer from Tioga Sequoia. Bells doing funny stuff. An "Or Game". Support of indie podcasting. A music break by the Old Tire Swingers. A terrible Halloween costume from Young Bells and more. Download or stream: DorkquakeDtown#125.mp3 [55:58, 51.2MB] Please go out and have a nice craft beer from our Fresno Friends at Tioga Sequoia! Check out Dorktown's home, look for us on Stitcher, leave a kickass review on iTunes, like our Face and Tweet us. Thanks and junk!