Wait, What? Episode 104

Wait, What? show

Summary: Crashing through a brick wall just in time to punch out Hitler, it is Episode 104 with Graeme McMillan and Jeff Lester ready and willing to talk comic books until the cows come home, an image far less captivating than the one I opened with. Today, we have ourselves a good long talk about John Byrne and his career in the Eighties; news about the Superman litigation and the folding of Newsweek; a discussion about the new Valiant line, and review Archer and Armstrong issue #3, Batman #13, Marvel Now! Point Zero, Godzilla: The Half Century War #3, and the latest issue of King Cat Comics and Stories by John Porcellino. All this and a few surprises in just a little over two hours and compressed into handy pill-shaped form. As always, we hope you enjoy...and thanks for listening!