Elder Scroll Online – Matt Firor Interview and Screenshots

Rift Reporter – MMO Reporter show

Summary: We recently visited Zenimax's studio in Baltimore to take part in a preview event showcasing Elder Scrolls Online. With some presentations and most importantly, tons of hands-on game time, we had a really good chance to get a sneak peek at the game's potential. In the next few days, we'll be releasing a podcast with more information about the preview day, as well as some detailed thoughts on the game itself! We sat down at the end of the day with Matt Firor, Game Director, to talk about what the game brings to the MMO space. Head over here to take a look at our interview with Paul Sage, Creative Director for Elder Scrolls Online. In the next few days, we'll be releasing a podcast with more information about the preview day, as well as some detailed thoughts on the game itself! Audio version: Click on the more link to check out some screenshot!