Show #18 - Computing In The Clouds

Four Dudes on Tech show

Summary: We've released a new show for May 11th, 2009: We're Crazy for Kronor Http:// Four Dudes On Tech is brought to you by: Sponsor: Try GotoAssist Express free for 30 days! For this special offer, visit ANTIVIRIUS FALLING FROM THE CLOUDS Panda introduces cloud-based free antivirus (;posts) Review: Cloud Antivirus runs smooth but slow (;posts) * I'm going to try this out sometime this week. * What do you think of the way it updates virus definitions? * Its free! * Will consumers have a hard time trusting antivirus that isn't on their own computer? ACCORDING TO U.S. GOVERNMENT, CANADIANS ARE PIRATING MORE THAN JUST HOCKEY Canada placed on copyright blacklist ( U.S. Targets Canada Over Copyright in Special 301 Report ( USTR Releases 2009 Special 301 Report ( * Oh no! Canadian Customs have to get a court order to search suspected shipments of pirated material!! Don't they realize that its soooo much easier to just claim "national security is at risk" and take the stuff? * Maybe the Canadian border guard is more worried about guns, drugs, and dangerous people crossing their borders rather than 50 pirated copies of Beverly Hills Cop 2? * Could we maybe see a boycott of softwood lumber or oil shipments from Canada in retaliation? * Is the U.S. government doing the dirty work for lobbying groups? * Is this showing that other countries (like Canada) should create new laws to have intellectual property protections like the United States's, or does the U.S. go too far in protecting IP? THE WORLD RESPONDS, SAYS "THE U.S. IS NOTHING BUT A BIG BULLY! YOUR STUPID LIST DOESN'T EVEN MAKE SENSE." Canada's placement on U.S. piracy list just bluster: lawyers ( Could piracy blacklist backfire? ( Protecting IP or bullying? ( APPLE RUMOR WATCH! In Major Shift, Apple Builds Its Own Team to Design Chips ( Apple Looking to Design Its Own Chips ( * Apple sure does love to keep secrets! * Is Apple the Howard Hughes of technology companies? * Good move for Apple? INSERT FOOT IN MOUTH NOW... Acer Spills Windows 7 Release Date ( Acer confirms Windows 7 available 23 October ( * I think I can see the steam coming out of Bill Gates's and Steve Ballmer's ears. * The two guys that spilled the beans are going to wake up with horse heads in their beds. * Are you super excited now that you know the release date? * Is M$ going to change the date now that its out? CABLE KILLED THE INTERNET... SHOULDN'T INTERNET KILL CABLE? The Problem With Cable Is Television ( * Are cable companies trying to push increasing costs of the cable TV onto internet users? * Could ala carte cable be the answer?