Series: Dilemmas 101: BattleField of the Mind

Black FreeThinkers show

Summary: Cognitive dissonance is the uncomfortable feeling one has when they hold two conflicting thoughts at the same time.   Does contradictory belief and disconfirming information about religious beliefs cause theists to utilize methodologies that enable self- justification? Do many theists remain willfully ignorant of truth and facts in an effort to maintain their self-justification? Does the self-justification cause theists to take a firmer stance in their beliefs? How can gay theists justify religious memberships when their church leadership and holy books vehemently speak against it? How can the church defend its stance when you have certain denominations that fully accept behaviors that others condemn?  Are those people not real Christians (logical fallacy)? How can the church speak against pederasty, predatorial behavior, and pedophilia, yet do not utter a word when it comes to light that some within their confines subscribe to this lifestyle?  Where is the outrage?  What is praying about it going to achieve?    Pray Until Something Happens…still waiting people.  Nothing has happened and that is why some of the same people continue to perpetuate these atrocities while brainwashing, extorting, and shaming the sheeple to be silent, turn the other cheek, and to remember their own fallibilities that the passuh would be more than happy to put on blast from the pulpit if they get out of line.    The church is like a chameleon due to the fact that it operates on fluidity that changes and adapts to keep the seats occupied and warm.  It changes its colors to satisfy its members in an effort to survive and remain relevant.  Smoke & mirrors…